Burke Mountain, VT Weather Cams

Burke Mountain Ski Resort Cam

Burke Mountain: A Storied Journey in Vermont’s Skiing Heritage

Burke Mountain, VT Weather Cams. Burke Mountain, located in Vermont’s Northeast Kingdom, has a rich and varied history that intertwines the rugged beauty of its natural environment with the ambitions of visionaries and ski enthusiasts. From its humble beginnings in the 1930s to its modern-day status as a premier destination for winter sports, Burke Mountain stands as a testament to the enduring appeal of skiing in Vermont.

The Genesis of Burke Mountain

The story of Burke Mountain begins in 1935, during the heart of the Great Depression. The economic challenges of the era did not deter a group of local residents from envisioning a ski area that could serve the community and attract visitors to the region. With a pioneering spirit, they established the Burke Mountain Club and began the process of developing ski trails on the mountain.

In 1937, Burke Mountain officially opened its first ski trail, a rudimentary run cleared through the forested slopes. This marked the beginning of the mountain’s transformation into a ski destination. Early skiers had to hike up the mountain, as there were no lift systems in place. Despite these primitive conditions, the allure of skiing in the pristine natural surroundings began to draw attention.

Development and Growth

The 1950s were a pivotal decade for Burke Mountain. The resort saw significant investment and development, including the installation of its first T-bar lift in 1953. This lift greatly enhanced accessibility, making it easier for skiers to enjoy the mountain’s slopes. The same year, the Burke Mountain Base Lodge was constructed, providing a gathering place for skiers and establishing the foundation for future growth.

Burke Mountain’s reputation grew as the resort continued to expand its trail network and improve its facilities. In 1966, the introduction of the Willoughby Quad chairlift further modernized the mountain, offering faster and more efficient transportation up the slopes. These advancements attracted more visitors and solidified Burke’s status as a key player in the Vermont skiing scene.

The Burke Mountain Academy Influence

A significant chapter in Burke Mountain’s history began in 1970 with the founding of Burke Mountain Academy (BMA). Established by Warren Witherell, BMA was one of the first ski academies in the United States, combining rigorous academic programs with elite ski training. The academy’s presence on Burke Mountain brought a new level of prestige and attention to the resort.

BMA has produced numerous Olympic and World Cup athletes, elevating Burke Mountain’s profile in the skiing world. The symbiotic relationship between the academy and the resort has been a cornerstone of Burke’s identity, fostering a culture of excellence and dedication to the sport.

Challenges and Resilience

Like many ski resorts, Burke Mountain faced its share of challenges. The 1980s and 1990s were marked by financial difficulties and ownership changes. Despite these hurdles, the local community’s support and the mountain’s inherent appeal ensured its survival. In 1999, Burke Mountain emerged from a difficult period under new ownership that was committed to revitalizing the resort.

Investments were made to upgrade infrastructure, improve snowmaking capabilities, and enhance the overall guest experience. These efforts paid off, as Burke Mountain once again began to attract visitors and regain its footing in the competitive ski resort market.

A New Era of Expansion

The early 21st century brought renewed momentum to Burke Mountain. In 2012, the resort was acquired by QBurke Resorts, led by businessman and philanthropist Ariel Quiros and investor William Stenger. Their ambitious plans included significant upgrades to the mountain’s facilities and the development of a new hotel and conference center.

These developments aimed to transform Burke Mountain into a year-round destination, attracting not only winter sports enthusiasts but also summer visitors seeking outdoor activities such as mountain biking and hiking. The resort’s commitment to year-round operations was bolstered by the completion of the Burke Mountain Hotel & Conference Center in 2016.

Legal and Financial Troubles

However, the ambitious expansion plans were soon overshadowed by legal and financial troubles. In 2016, Ariel Quiros and William Stenger were accused of misusing funds from the EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program, leading to a high-profile legal battle and significant disruptions for Burke Mountain. Despite these setbacks, the resort continued to operate, thanks to the dedication of its staff and the support of the local community.

Burke Mountain Today and Future Prospects

Today, Burke Mountain stands resilient, continuing to offer a high-quality skiing experience. The resort boasts over 50 trails, a variety of lifts, and extensive snowmaking capabilities that ensure reliable conditions throughout the ski season. Its south-facing slopes provide an abundance of natural light, enhancing the skiing experience and setting it apart from other resorts in the region.

In addition to skiing, Burke Mountain has developed a reputation as a premier destination for mountain biking, thanks to its extensive trail network and the Burke Bike Park. This diversification has helped the resort attract visitors year-round and maintain financial stability.

Looking to the future, Burke Mountain is poised to build on its rich legacy. With a renewed focus on sustainability and community engagement, the resort aims to preserve the natural beauty of its surroundings while continuing to offer exceptional recreational opportunities. The partnership with Burke Mountain Academy remains a vital aspect of the mountain’s identity, fostering the next generation of ski champions and enthusiasts.


Burke Mountain’s history is a testament to the enduring spirit of its founders, the resilience of its community, and the mountain’s natural allure. From its early days as a community endeavor to its current status as a premier ski and outdoor recreation destination, Burke Mountain embodies the essence of Vermont’s skiing heritage. As it continues to evolve, Burke Mountain remains a beloved destination for those seeking adventure, natural beauty, and a connection to the storied past of Vermont’s Northeast Kingdom.

For more information, visit the official Burke Mountain Ski Resort website.

Burke Mountain, VT Weather Cams

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