Mad River Glen, VT Weather Cams

Mad River Glen: A Unique Legacy in Vermont’s Skiing Heritage

Mad River Glen, VT Weather Cams. Mad River Glen, nestled in the Green Mountains of Vermont, stands out as one of the most iconic and unique ski areas in the United States. Known for its challenging terrain, fiercely loyal community, and commitment to preserving a traditional skiing experience, Mad River Glen’s history is a fascinating journey of passion, innovation, and resilience.

The Birth of a Ski Area: The 1940s

The story of Mad River Glen begins in the late 1940s, with a visionary skier named Roland Palmedo. Palmedo, a founding member of the National Ski Patrol and a key figure in the development of skiing in the United States, sought to create a ski area that emphasized natural terrain and a close-knit community. After developing Stowe’s Mount Mansfield and the Mad River Ski Club, Palmedo turned his attention to the Mad River Valley.

In 1947, Palmedo purchased land on General Stark Mountain, recognizing its potential for excellent skiing. With a dedicated group of investors and ski enthusiasts, he formed the Mad River Corporation. Construction began in the summer of 1947, and by the winter of 1948, Mad River Glen officially opened to the public. The first lift, a single chairlift designed by American Steel and Wire Company, was a marvel of engineering, providing skiers with access to some of the most challenging terrain in the East.

Growth and Development: The 1950s and 1960s

The 1950s and 1960s were formative years for Mad River Glen. Under Palmedo’s leadership, the ski area expanded its trail network, focusing on preserving the natural contours of the mountain. This period saw the creation of some of Mad River Glen’s most famous trails, including Paradise and Lift Line, known for their steep pitches and natural obstacles.

Palmedo’s philosophy was simple: skiing should be about the joy of the sport and the beauty of the mountain. He resisted the trend of wide, groomed trails that were becoming popular at other ski resorts. Instead, Mad River Glen remained true to its roots, offering skiers a pure, unadulterated skiing experience.

During this time, the ski area also became known for its welcoming and inclusive atmosphere. The Mad River Ski Club played a significant role in fostering a sense of community, organizing races, social events, and ski lessons. The cooperative spirit of the ski club helped build a loyal following that would become a hallmark of Mad River Glen.

Preservation Amidst Change: The 1970s and 1980s

As the ski industry evolved in the 1970s and 1980s, many resorts embraced modernization, installing high-speed chairlifts, snowmaking systems, and extensive grooming operations. However, Mad River Glen remained steadfast in its commitment to traditional skiing. The single chairlift, which had become a symbol of the ski area’s unique character, continued to ferry skiers to the summit, offering a nostalgic and serene ascent.

In 1972, Mad River Glen was sold to the Ryan family, who maintained Palmedo’s vision. The Ryans invested in necessary upgrades while preserving the ski area’s rustic charm and challenging terrain. Despite pressures to conform to industry trends, they resisted making significant changes that would alter the character of the mountain.

This commitment to tradition earned Mad River Glen a dedicated following. Skiers who appreciated the mountain’s natural beauty and challenging terrain continued to flock to Mad River Glen, forming a tight-knit community that valued the ski area’s unique ethos.

A New Era: The Cooperative Movement in the 1990s

The 1990s brought significant change to Mad River Glen, marking the beginning of a new era. In 1995, the ski area was put up for sale, and there was widespread concern among the loyal community about potential buyers who might modernize and commercialize the mountain. To preserve the character of Mad River Glen, the Mad River Glen Cooperative was formed.

This groundbreaking initiative allowed skiers and supporters to purchase shares in the cooperative, collectively owning and managing the ski area. The cooperative model ensured that Mad River Glen would remain true to its founding principles, prioritizing the skiing experience and community over profit.

The cooperative quickly garnered support, raising enough funds to purchase the ski area in 1995. This historic move made Mad River Glen the first cooperatively owned ski area in the United States. The cooperative structure empowered the community to make decisions about the ski area’s future, ensuring that its unique character would be preserved for generations to come.

Continuing the Legacy: The 2000s to Present

Since becoming a cooperative, Mad River Glen has continued to thrive, balancing preservation with necessary improvements. The single chairlift, which had become an icon, was replaced in 2007 with a new single chairlift that retained the classic feel while providing a more reliable and comfortable ride. This project, like all major decisions, was guided by the cooperative’s commitment to maintaining the ski area’s traditional character.

Mad River Glen remains one of the few ski areas in the country without snowboarding, a policy supported by the majority of the cooperative’s shareholders. This decision underscores the ski area’s commitment to preserving its unique skiing experience, which emphasizes natural terrain and a sense of camaraderie among skiers.

Today, Mad River Glen is celebrated not only for its challenging terrain and deep powder but also for its vibrant community and cooperative spirit. Events like the Mad River Glen Single Chair Race, the annual shareholder meeting, and various community ski events highlight the enduring connection between the mountain and its devotees.


Mad River Glen’s history is a testament to the power of vision, community, and a steadfast commitment to tradition. From its founding by Roland Palmedo to its pioneering cooperative ownership, Mad River Glen has carved out a unique place in the skiing world. As it moves forward, this Vermont ski area continues to honor its rich history while embracing the passionate community that defines it. Mad River Glen remains a beacon for those who seek an authentic, challenging, and deeply rewarding skiing experience.


For more information, visit the official Mad River Glen, Vermont website.

Mad River Glen, VT Weather Cams

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